The Nannie Cinnamon and Kate Trimble Letters

Letter 56

Gambier, Knox Co. Ohio

My dear Frances,

Your Downpatrick postal I received. It was so kind of you to think of me. Is the cathedral the centre and conspicuous building with the spire? When Mrs La Pan used to invite me on a visit. I have sometimes gone to St. Patrick's grave. The tradition is that he was buried there. How did you find your loved ones in Killough. Is Bessie well, also Kate and Maria, Samuel and his belongings? Do they live in he same house. do the visit Belfast sometimes and how many of Fanny Hughes' children are living. Is her daughter married?

I am in Chicago in the early spring and had a few days visit from Ralph ( Johnnies eldest son), his wife and baby. She is two years old and is called Elisabeth. She is quite an attractive child full of vigour. Since Mrs Proctor's death Bessie never visits as she does not wish her father to be alone, and Elizabeth is the amusement and entertainment of them all. Johnnie looked well and is so only he is helpless in walking. It is not rheumatism. He has massage treatment and this benefits him. His wife is not as well as she is usually. She is growing old and it is hard to new conditions especially growing old! We have had a most delightful summer and Fall, the woodland scenery gorgeous. Ohio is celebrated for the vivid colouring of the foliage. The fruit crop is phenomenal. Peaches and plums everywhere feeding them some places to the hogs! The apples not even picked from the ground. I have not been well for about two weeks. I am feeling better this morning and intend to mail this myself. I often think of you and would love to visit my native village. Kate wrote me that George Montgomery has emigrated to Winnipeg. I presume he is son or great grandson of one of the same name who married Ellen Glendinning. Winnipeg is a great way off. Write to me when you have leisure from your duties. I hope that Mrs Hunt continues in good health. Do you ever attend the sales of Irish work in London. My love to Bessie, Kate and Maria. Sam only knows me by name. George is well and all his family I hope. Trusting you will pity me and write soon. I am as ever your affectionate old friend,
